Sitting no more than 10 feet from me is this man, his wife, and two sons. He speaks very loudly to his father whom he is talking to on his cell phone. He says, "Meet you at the hotel...I don't think we want two rooms... Either one room or a suite... Two queen size or two full size... Wake us up if anything happens." His phone is in a black cover case. The man also only holds it up to his left ear. After the conversation, he relays all the information he discussed during the conversation to his wife.
A young girl dressed in fairly trendy clothing walks by. Her phone is black, but does not have a cover. She holds it up to her left ear as well.
Sitting across the walkway is a middle-aged woman wearing a pant-suit talking extremely loudly. She seems to be arguing with the person she is on the phone with.
A man in a stone colored jacket, also across the aisle, has a couple of conversations using his cell phone. He puts on his jacket while talking on the phone. To do this, he holds his phone up to his left ear with his right hand. The phone he is using is uncovered and silver. During the second conversation, he begins walking in circles around his carry-on bag. He switches the hand that holds the phone without switching the ear he is listening with.
On the same side of the walkway as me about 10 feet away against a wall is a man sitting on the floor with a woman and a cat. He receives a phone call and answers by saying "Hey. We're at the gate." While talking, he helps the woman put the cat in the carrying case and holds the phone up to his ear with his shoulder.
A woman waiting to board the flight stands in line with a friend. She plays her ring tone for her. It sounds like a popular hip-hop song.
A man in a business suit walks by. His phone is in a cover-case and is attached to his hip.
A man in a grey trench coat waits in line, and talks on his phone. He holds his phone to his left ear, and plugs the other ear with his right index finger. His eyes are shut.
Detroit Airport:
A lot of people are standing near walls or next to polls talking on cell phones. The man above is an example.
A woman sitting to my left is speaking an Asian language to the person she is on the phone with. She holds her cell phone on the right side of her head. She does not speak very loudly.
An African-American woman sitting to my right calls a person from home about picking her up. She agrees to baby-sit the child of the person she is on the phone with. Her phone is held up to her right ear.
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